Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Kelly's wedding weekend

Kelly's wedding weekend was finally here and we made the trip to Atlanta. Because of travel for Chris's work, I had to fly down by myself and the 3 kids. I have to say they did pretty good. I cut it really close and had enough time to get there, check in, and get on the plane. Julian was a great helper. He took one of the rolling bags from the car to check them in. I was exhausted by the time the plane took off. It is a lot of work but worth it for kelly's wedding.

Here's Kelly, the beautiful bride. She looked so pretty and so happy. It may have been a little roller coaster ride to get to this day, but it all came together so beautifully. It was a great day.
I love this picture with the light coming in from outside. There have been so many pictures taken on these steps over the years that it was so fitting to have Kelly pose for wedding as well on them.
Kelly's mom helping her get ready for the big day.
Mary and Aunt Anne.
Jenn, Stacy, Kelly, and Kelli at the bridal tea
One of the best shots I could get of my 3. They were so cute all dressed up.
My big and bigger boys all dressed up in a tux. How cute are they. They did really well to at the church and doing what they were suppose to.

Jenn and Stacy on the way to the wedding.
The 3 little cousins together. They were so cute together and I wish they lived closer so that they would be great friends. They are so close in age that I hope they will continue to love being with each other.

Got one of Lilly posing for the camera.

Got a picture of me with my family.

Me and my sister and Chris and I. A rare dressy occasion that we are at.

Love these pictures of Kelly and David at their first dance. It was so great to see Kelly that day, so incredibly in love and happy and these pictures show how much they love each other. I know they couldn't wait to be married to each other and have that moment together. I know they are going to be so happy and have many more memorable moments to come. They were definitely ready to start their life together. I know David will make Kelly so happy.

Julian and his new love, Mary Elizabeth. They danced the night away. It was the cutest thing to watch Julian tear it up on the dance floor with older women.
The stanford cousins and their partners and children.

Kelly and boys
The entire stanford/McMenamin family
Lilly and Kinsley playing with Duke.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Random pictures

Julian's 2nd grade picture. My big boy is growing in front of my eyes.

Enjoying a rare sunny day outside. hard to believe there was snow on the ground just a week ago.

Lilly loves sunglasses. I have to make sure I have them everywhere.


Every halloween in PA has come with bad weather. The first year here rained, the 2nd was extremely windy and very cold, and the third followed a huge snowstorm in October. Yes, we trick or treated with snow on the ground. This was a first for this southerner, and no I did not like it. I have learned though it is what it is and we will make the most of it.
Julian chose to be spiderman this year. Alex was a little spider ( the same Julian was when he was 2) and Lilly was a little pink octopus.

The pictures didn't turn out very good but here is a the best I got.

The kids figuring out how the trick or treat thing works.

My little spider

My spiderman

The house after much of the 13 inches of snow has melted. Funny seeing kids trick or treat with snow boots on.