Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fall is in the air

Today ended up being a beautiful day after a very chilly start.  I didn't know how nice it would be when the low last night was 24 degrees.  I do like fall, but not the fact that what comes next is winter (and I do not like winter).  I also love Saturdays because it is the only day of the week that we are all here together and we don't have to run around doing a million things.  We actually get to spend time together.  When you have a husband that travels all the time, you really appreciate the time when you can just be together as a family.

We decided to go to a farm nearby to pick our yearly pumpkins.  We had a great time.  We got to go on hay rides (Alex loves tractors),  played in a huge box of corn that was at least a foot deep, had corn mazes, pedal cars and tractors, and of course picking our own pumpkins from the field.  The kids had a lot of fun, and Chris and I have fun watching them.

 Alex had just eaten a black halloween lolly pop, hence the dark teeth

 Me and my babies
 On the hay ride to the activities

 Lilly and Alex.  and Alex does have a huge bruise on his head from his recent encounter with the pavement in the driveway
 The corn pit, think we will still be finding corn everywhere.  The kids loved it.

Doing snow angels in the corn!

 Alex loved the picture of the choo choo

 Lilly catching a ride on the wagon with our 5 pumpkins for our front steps.  I promised Chris he only had to carve one of them.  It's not his favorite thing to do, but I told him a must for a childhood activity.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Proud Mommy

It's been awhile since I've posted.  We have been staying very busy with school, work and Julian's football schedule.  I can't imagine what life is going to be like when I have 3 kids participating in after school sports.  I have a husband that works all the time and travels a lot, and I have to get everyone where they have to be.  It gives me a lot of respect for my mom who was in the same position as me when we were young.  My dad was away alot, but she managed to get the 3 of us to all of our sports and activities.  It's a lot of work but well worth it.  Chris and I think it is so important to be well rounded for our children.  It is good to get out and exercise, have fun with other kids, and learn how to participate in sports and working with a team.  Julian is such a great boy.  He always has been. (with the exception of being a colic baby and cried a lot).  He has always been very well mannered, sweet, good natured, calm, friendly, huge heart and cares for others around the world and his family.  Today, I had his parent teacher conference.  Most parents get a little nervous about what the teachers are going to say about their perfornance and behavior while at school.  I have never worried about Julian.  He is so bright, and always succeeds with his studies, and he doesn't have a mean bone in his body.  The teacher told me that she nominated him for an award the school gives for something above and beyond.  She told me that Julian stuck up for a kid on the playground that was being picked on and helped stop the behavior against him.  I had tears in my eyes when she told me.  As a mother, it tells me I've done something right.  We have always taught him to care for others and be respectful.  It is hard for a child now to tell his friend to stop picking on the underdog, but that's what he did.  I couldn't be more proud of him.  It means more to me to raise him to care for others than to be the smartest child in the classroom.  He tries so hard in everything he does, he works hard in school, and then goes to football practice 4 times a week to try hard in football.  Football isn't the most natural thing for him, but he is out there giving it 100% every practice.  I hope Alex and Lilly will look up to their big brother, and use him as an example of what to be.

 A nice day out when Julian had early release to get ice cream and play at the playground. 

 Julian is #88.  

 Dee Dee and Papa at Julian's game watching him.  A big advantage to living near by family.  I think it's been a huge benefit for all of us, but especially Julian.  Having twin siblings that have always needed a little extra TLC since their premature birth has had to be extremely flexible.  He has given up time with Chris and I and is always such a huge help to us.  It is nice that finally he gets a little extra TLC from his grandparents.

 Papa helping Lilly see Julian.  But she is watching the cheerleaders and wants a pair of pompoms.  

 This wis where he gets his hair from.  
 Lilly has her papa wrapped around his little finger already.

 Getting some cuddle time with my 3 sweeties.

 Waiting for daddy to get home

 Lilly is our little climber.  She is so strong and agile, I can't wait to see what she does when she gets older.  I definitely need to get her in some gymnastic classes.  It is so funny to watch her pull her self up by her arms on top of the refrigerator.  She is a peanut, but she is strong.  I think everyone will always sell her short because of her size, but she is one strong little girl (physically and mentally).  Her strong will is sometimes a little exhausting, but it's what has gotten her so far as well.  My sister tells me that when she was 2 lbs and in the isolet right after she was born, she looked at her and told her that it was ok to be a fighter and strong willed (nice way of saying it).  Jess said she didn't thinks she was listening, but she definitely was.  She is one fiesty little girl, and she is a fighter.  

 Possible halloween costumes.  Alex keeps flipping from a spider to a fire fighter.  Lilly has decided to be a "bad" witch.  It says it all about lilly right there.  Need I say more. But she is a cute bad witch.

 The twins playing with each other during one of Julian's football practices.. They are always together and think they always will be.

 The one that does the best when I take pictures.  He is my poser, but will do anything to make mommy happy.  He is definitely a mommy boy.  Love him so much.