Well, we made it through the week on our own. It was long, but I know it can be done. The babies had a couple of rough nights, then they did a little better. I think I even got them a little on "mommy schedule" as Chris would say by the end of the week. Julian had a busy week at school. He is mister social. I don't know if he likes going to learn or just to talk to other kids. He keeps getting notes home to talk less to his friends. That wasn't a big surprise. He is my little talker. It is never dull while he is at home. Alex has been a little fussy this week. These teeth are taking forever to pop through. That's the only thing I can think of. He is also a lot like his brother. I found that he loves sleeping in mommy's bed. I let him fall asleep laying there and then usually carry him to his bed. Lilly is doing good. Chris actually thought she looked a little bigger when he got home this week. I don't know if it is the new medicine or what, but she is eating better and what she eats seems to be staying down. She is still eating about the same quantity, but she at least is hungry for what she is eating. That is a definate improvement. We did have a speech pathologist come to the house to evaluate her eating and she thinks she could use some assistance to get her to eat better. I will take any outside help that wants to give it to me.
Well, we have another busy week ahead of us. The babies have a follow up eye doctor appt, to make sure their eyes have developed appropriately. Sometimes, preemies have eye problems due to the prematurity or as in Alex's case, severe lung disease and needing oxygenation on ventilator. Hopefully they will say they are good and no more f/u is needed. Lilly also has other appt with the speech pathologist about her eating.
"God sends children to enlarge our hearts and to make us unselfish and full of kindly sympathies and affections."