Wednesday, September 16, 2009

stanford family

I'm really going to try to post what's going on with our family on a regular basis. I always say I'm going to start and life gets busy and this stuff gets left on the back burner.
We are still getting settled into our house in PA. It definately isn't South Carolina. I am used to having great neighbors that love being outside with everyone, and that's not the way it is here. I'm lucky to just meet the neighbors here. Julian has an open house at his new school tonight so we can meet the teacher. I've already gotten a report saying we need to practice not talking to our neighbors so much during class. I was wondering how long it would take Julian to get in trouble for talking too much. Don't think he picked that trait up from his dad.
Lilly and Alex are doing good. Everyone still getting over a cold. I think that's going to be the story of our winter. Alex eats like a horse and Lilly eats like an ant, but other than that they are doing great. Early intervention was here the other day and said developmentally they were great and didn't qualify for any additional resources. Good news for them that they are progressing as they should.

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