It's been a very busy, long week. We did end this crazy week with a great day today. The week seems to fly by now. We are busy with Julian, and getting him to school, speech appts, baseball practices, and the babies schedule in between. I look forward to 9 pm when I can finally take a moment and sit down. This week also the babies got a cold which made the days a little longer. There just wasn't enough mommy to go around to make everyone happy. I ended up taking the babies to the doctor Friday afternoon. You hate to go into the weekend with sick kids, and not know if things are going to get better or worse. Luckily, it was "just viral", and nothing to specifically treat by the doctor. That's good and bad. Good that they weren't bad sick, but if they had found something you can treat it and it gets better faster. With the viral stuff, you never know how long that may linger. Peds are so cautious now about treating kids too, and I like to have a "quick fix". I knew when I took them that that would probably be the outcome, but you never know and would rather be safe than sorry. I also thought this could have been some teething stuff. Alex cut another tooth on the bottom and always gets the runny nose with it. I just really worry about him when he gets sick. His runny nose seemed to settle in his chest and he had a pretty bad cough. HIs little preemie lungs don't handle things like that very well. But, today he seems a little better. Lilly ran her first fever, and haven't really figured out why. I was hoping she was teething too, but so far no more new teeth. Just hoping they are better so we have a good week.
Julian is doing really good with baseball. He is so fun to get to go watch. His first game is this week, and Chris and I are really looking forward to it. We've had nice weather this weekend, so Julian has loved being able to get out.
We also got a sidewalk finally put in this week. Our house is slowly starting to look like a home.
Today, we all participated in the March for babies walk. We couldn't believe how many people were there. It was such a wonderful feeling to see people so many people out there but also heartbreaking because everyone there had a "story" as to why this was such an important cause to them. It definately hit home for us. We are so blessed that Alex and Lilly are here #1, because that was our first hurdle, and #2, that they have done so well considering their very early arrival and complications following delivery. I am truly a blessed mother to have 3 beautiful children.
It's hard to believe they came out at the same time, they look totally different. As much as she is small, he is big.
Alex thought it would be fun to play on the dishwasher.
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