Last Thursday Chris and I took Lilly to her appt with the pediatric immunologist. (Another specialist to add to our List). She was very nice, and knowledgeable. She was very thorough and tried to get a handle on Lilly's history. The main reason why we were sent to her was the concern with her reaction with her last ear infection and taking a course of antibiotics. The severe thrush was a big concern to our pediatricians. One's immune system shouldn't become so depressed with one course of antibiotics to allow the thrush to overcome your body. We are going to run a battery of blood work to look at her blood counts. I have to admit that some of the information she was giving us was very complex. I'm glad I have a masters degree in nursing sometimes so that I have a better grasp on what to ask and understand how to better take care of my children. We also did some allergy testing while we were there to see if there was an allergy component that would be contributing to Lilly's reflux. Luckily, we ruled out any allergies. Check that off the list of potential diagnoses. Now, we just have to go have Lilly's blood drawn this week. Not looking forward to that, but it will be wonderful to be able to mark that off our list as a potential problem as well. The doctor didn't think we had anything severe to worry about since she has not had any illnesses that have required hospitalization, and she has tolerated her "live vaccines" without any problems. I've gone back and forth thinking the worst to thinking this still isn't the problem. I still believe that Lilly's reflux is our primary problem and she hasn't gotten the relief she needs to feel like eating. I also think food empties her stomach very slow and causes her not to want to eat as frequent as she should. I feel like our saga is going to continue but hopefully we are one step to helping her.
We also had our 18 month check ups recently. A little recap:
Alex weighed 25 lbs and was 32 inches tall. This put him in the 50% for both weight and height. (Julian was never this big as this age). He is so thick and feels solid. He is definately more of a Stanford body than a Colquitt.
Lilly weighed 18 lb 9 oz- not on the chart for the weight, actually this has fallen further off the curve than she had been doing. She was 30 inches tall, which was actually in the 20% for a full term baby. At least one thing is improving. Maybe she is going to be tall and thin.
I will post when we hear about the bloodwork. I pray she doesn't hurt too bad and it's quick. My poor baby.
Julian also continues to have his sunday football games. It has been a great way for Julian and I to meet people. This has been one of the first times since we moved here that we have met people that have been friendly. Julian has been doing a great job getting out of his box to try something new. He loves to be out socializing and I think he has actually learned something along the way. We were lucky to have had Aunt Anne come visit for one of the games. It was great to have some family to get to see him play. That's one of the big things I hate about not living near family. We haven't had any family that gets to come see him play sports. I feel bad for Julian because so many other kids always have tons of extended family at the games and it's always just chris and I. I know he was happy that she took the time to come here for him. It was very appreciated. She also let Chris and I have a night out to go to dinner alone. A very big plus to her visit, especially since our weekend to vegas alone didn't happen. It was nice to get some alone time. Our first class trip would have been great but we will take whatever we can get.
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