Friday, March 11, 2011

Long Winter

It's been so long since I posted, but everything has been about the same here. Still cold and not able to do many activities yet. Finally, we can at least see our grass. There is no snow out there right now, which is a blessing and we are just praying it is over and spring will start to appear. The kids are itching to get outside and play all the time. I am so not a cold weather fan and I can only take it outside for little bits at a time. The babies can tolerate the cold better than I can. I think they don't know any different like the rest of us and don't understand how much better our friends and family have it right now in the south. We are trying to make the most of being indoors and get outside whenever possible.

Julian continues to do great in school. We are working on his 3rd oral presentation right now. It's right up his alley. We have to do a presentation on a wild animal. Just like Julian style, we aren't doing any normal animal. He picked the platypus. I bet we are the only ones that pick that one. It's funny being on the parent side and wanting your child to have the best presentation. Whenever he gets grades back, I see it as a personal failure of mine if he doesn't do good (which is rare). He is just like mommy though and already seems his strengths lie in math and science. Hopefully daddy can help later with the grammar and english. He continues to amaze chris and I how smart he is. The first 2 presentations, he got 100's and the teacher said he was a great presenter. He gets that natural just like his daddy and PaPa. We have registered for T-ball and are so excited for that to start and to get out and play.

The babies are doing great right now. (knock on wood) we haven't had any illnesses in a while, other than the winter runny noses. We are so happy though that the ear tubes have done what they were suppose to, and alex hasn't had a single ear infection since they were placed in November. That has saved us many doctor appts and antibiotics. Hopefully they will continue to do the trick until they are ready to fall out. Lilly, has also been doing pretty good. We have good eat days and not so good eat days, but overall, I think she's doing pretty good. They continue to go to speech and have early intervention for their speech delay, but everyday, they seem to make more sounds and try to form words. I keep saying I'm ready for them to talk, but may take that back when they start to.

I have interviewed this week for a job in Labor and delivery and am thinking of going back to work a little bit. It's a PRN job, so only 2 days a month are required and I think chris and I can still work around each other's schedule so I can do this. I will have to work a couple days a week initially to get through the orientation, but then can work at my leisure. It is a hard decision for me even to commit to that and leave my kids. I told the manager that the past 2 years has been devoted to keeping my kids healthy and meeting all their needs, which is still my priority and work is secondary. She agreed and understood this point of my life I'm in, so it's sounds like it may work well. She sounded like she is flexible to work around my schedule and what hours would be best for me and childcare. I've got to work on getting my license transferred, but think that is something I am going to proceed with. If it doesn't work out, or feel like the babies are doing as good with me gone a little, I can always change my mind. I do miss L&D and hopefully would give me an opportunity to meet other people since PA hasn't been the friendlies place we have lived.

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