Thursday, May 5, 2011

2 steps back

Feel like I'm a broken record with this, but we've had a stomach bug again. Hope this isn't TMI to anyone, but being a nurse, none of this phases me. It started about 3 weeks ago. Chris came home not feeling well and had some upset stomach for several days. Then Lilly threw up several days later. She felt better for a couple days then had 7 days of vomiting and diarrhea. I took her to the ER in SC while we were on vacation. Of course they gave me the standard line with a child that has N/V. I try to tell them that she isn't the typically child. She has a really hard time getting past these bugs and usually needs iv fluids to help her. We went home pretty much doing what we were already doing and drove back to PA that night. The next morning she had a ton of diarrhea and vomited. I took her to the pediatrician who almost admitted her that morning and decided to let us go home and do some stool cultures (tmi). I called him back that afternoon, with Lilly crying in pain, and still sick. She was very tired and not herself. He told us to go to the ER for fluids. We did and 3 hours in the waiting room, we finally were seen. The nurse and doctors were very nice. I go in with my spill of her past medical history and preemie status. They started fluids and gave zofran and 3 hours later she was like a new child. It's amazing to see how well she does with a little extra fluid. We did good for a week, Lilly was actually asking to eat. Then Julian got the tummy ach and diarrhea. He has been home for 2 days from school, and finally went back today. Thought everything was going to start to get better, and then Lilly woke up throwing up today. I feel like giving up. I don't know what to do with her. I don't know how it's possible to get sick so much. I called the ped back and he is at somewhat of a loss as well. He told me to call the GI and discuss some potential things that we can do or things that are wrong. So our saga will continue and i'll post later.

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