Thursday, December 15, 2011


We continued our wonderful trip to Atlanta for Kelly's wedding with Thanksgiving. It was nice to extend our trip so that we could spend more time with our family. We got to spend some quality time with Chris's parents, and Philip, Stacy, and Kinsley. The kids had so much fun playing together and it really makes me wish we lived closer so that they could do that more often. Right before we left for the long holiday, Julian had his Thanksgiving feast at school. This is an annual thing his school does for the 2nd and 1st graders. This year being in 2nd grade, they dressed up as indians, and had lunch with the 1st graders (pilgrims). I am the room parent for Julian's class this year and was lucky enough to be there to help organize the lunch. The kids had a great day and I snapped a few pictures of Julian and his best buddy, JJ.

Lilly and Kinsley getting some good girl time in at MayMay and PopPop's house.
I thought getting a picture of my 3 looking in the right direction and smiling was difficult, but adding a 4th makes it that much more difficult. This is the best I got.
Lilly giving her pop pop some kisses. She loves her granddaddies. She's a smart girl.
Maymay and PopPop with the twins.
Loved getting to spend some time with my niece Kinsley. I love being an aunt, and hope she will love us even though we only get to see each other occasionally.
My sweet, sweet boy Julian.
Mommy and Julian time

Like I said, getting a group shot is difficult. I think Stacy got a better picture than I did, that I need to get. We were missing Kelly and David this thanksgiving in our picture, but they were having a great time on their honeymoon. He's now officially, Uncle David.

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