Sunday, August 5, 2012

Julian's sailing lessons

Julian has been enjoying sailing lessons this summer.  One of the benefits of living near the shore.  We get to enjoy some activities that aren't the typical, and gets to expand his experiences.  He has really enjoyed it and it's been fun getting to see him learn something new.  He has met some new friends and hopefully he enjoys this and will continue this new interest.  

 You couldn't ask for a prettier place to sit and watch your child participate in a sport.  We've had really nice evenings this summer and to sit and look at the water with your child in a sail boat was pretty neat. I did have these two to keep up with while we were sitting there, but they did pretty good overall, and love the water as well.  They say they want to sail when they turn 8.  I think we are raising a family of boaters.

 Julian pulling his boat out after he was done.  They have to learn how to put the sail boat together and take them apart.

 Little Mrs. Priss sitting all grown up looking watching Julian.  What am I going to do when she's a teenager.  Alex still sitting very close to mommy.  I can always count of him staying close by and not wanting to stray too far.

Julian also spent the last 2 weeks at a all day sailing camp.  He went with a boy he met at the evening class and they really enjoyed spending the days together.  He was exhausted when he got home, which is a good thing.  They kept them busy and they spent the entire day on the water.

Now, football season has begun.  Last year we had the awakening to the gravity people put on kids sports.  They take this stuff serious.  So, now we are practicing 4 nights a week until school starts.  Evenings are very busy.  I will have busy nights juggling the 3 kids, dinners, baths, bedtimes, and football.

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