Thursday, September 20, 2012

3 1/2 years old

Where does the time go?  I can't believe they are 3 1/2 years old today!  I was talking to my best friend the other day and she had been looking at their pictures with her sister.  They were talking about how big and great they are doing, after the state of my pregnancy with them.  I remember calling her after a terrible visit to my OB in Canada.  I was told that the prognosis was not good for Lilly to make it and not good if we delivered extremely early for 1 or both of them.  It was presented to me as a choice as to which baby I would want to save.  How is that even possible for someone to choose.  These were two babies that I had dreamed of for a long time.  My friend told me that I was going to have both of them and they were both going to be fine.  And she was right.  I went into mommy mode with the desire to protect my children and get them the best care possible.  We moved back to the US and made it another 7 weeks.  We can't imagine our life without either of them, and to see how well they have done and how smart and active they are is such a blessing.  They are  together 24/7, and I think that's how they always will be.  I don't think they are quite whole unless the other is around.  They definitely have 2 very different personalities but are very attached to each other.  

At 3 1/2, I couldn't have more physically active kids.  They love to do things.  Lilly loves dolls, and anything girly.  Alex loves firetrucks, cars, construction vehicles, and is very much like Julian.

They are talking very well these days.  I understand about 95% of what they say, but often have to interpret for other people.  Sometimes I have to ask one what the other says and they can translate for me.  

They are now in 3 year old preschool 2 mornings a week, and getting better with the separation from me each time.  

Alex is still a great eater and loves to eat pretty much anything.  Lilly is getting better but still a challenge on some days.  
 They were all dressed up for Aunt Jess's wedding.  They love to party and dance and get dressed up.

 This cracked me up when I saw that Alex had lined all his cars up in rows.  Julian used to do the exact thing when he was this age.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

School year has begun

The new school year has begun.  I can't believe I now have a 3rd grader and the twins in a 3 yr old preschool program.  How time is flying by.  I love that Julian loves to go to school.  He is such a people person and has adapted so well to once again being in a new place.  Poor kid, he is 8 years old and this is the 4th place he has lived.  Chris and I always worried we were doing him harm, but think he actually enjoys the different places.  He always asks where are we going next.  It has shaped him into the person he is becoming.  He loves geography, and loves studying about the different parts of the world and desires to visit many places as he gets older (the newest being Indonesia).  And we are so happy with our new neighborhood.  It was our #1 request to be somewhere where there are many kids and that is what we got.  There are 14 kids at the morning bus stop, and all the parents and families are really great.  Julian rode the bus the first couple of days but we are so close to the school, sometimes it's just easier to drop him off.  We look forward to a great 3 rd grade year, and hope he has fun, and continues to learn so much.  

 My sweet boy alex!  He is a mommy's boy.  

 Alex's new favorite obsession is firetrucks and firemen.  He loves them, and loves dressing up in this costume that was Julian's a couple years ago.  Alex constantly says he is going to be a firetruck man.  

 This is the "babies" first day of preschool.  The are going to a local church preschool 2 mornings a week for 4 hours.  They even eat lunch there on the days they go which is a first.  Hopefully, I can let go of my control to feed lilly and she will eat good on her own.  Lilly is pretty excited about school, Alex, not so much (to say the least).  Alex has some pretty good meltdowns before school.  It's heartbreaking forcing him to go to school.  He is good after I leave but it does tear at my heart to watch him so unhappy.  The teacher says he has a fabulous day when I pick him up which makes the bad mornings all worth it.  I know this is good for them, to get out and play with other kids and also helps expand their vocabulary.  I just pray that this doesn't last very long. ( for mommy's sake).  
 It is very difficult to get a picture of the 3 of them, especially when i was trying not to highlight the fact that Alex was about to go to school without mommy.

Alex has been to school for 4 days in total, and each day is a challenge, but is getting slowing better.  

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Julian has been super busy, and I got to take Julian out for a mommy and Julian night while Chris watched the twins.  We went to the Chester Co Fair one night.  We both love the fairs.  He loves the rides and spending a fortune trying to win prizes that cost way less than we just spent to win them, and I love fair food.  Although I was extremely disappointed that there were no funnel cakes at this fair.  I don't know if that is more a souther thing, but how can you not have funnel cakes at a fair.  I loved our time together though.  It's so nice to be able to spend a little quality time with him, and watch him have so much fun.  
 He loved the huge slides they had.  So glad he can go up by himself, since my fear of heights would not have like the climb up.

 My big boy is also playing football again.  This was his first game here in CT.  He is doing great this year and getting to play so much more.  I guess the 10 lbs he gained since last year is really helping him.
 Chris is getting to help assistant coach when he is home which is great for Julian to have him there to help with some coaching and encouragement.  Chris is really enjoying being in the middle of the games with him.  some daddy, Julian bonding.

 Happy daddy and Julian.

More summer activities

The summer is coming to an end, and we are doing as much as we can to enjoy the weather while it lasts.  August has been really busy.  Julian has had football practice every night and some games on the weekends.  Chris has also been really busy at work, and its been all me to get everyone where they need to go.  Now, I know how my mom did it with 3 kids and a husband that traveled all the time.  It's a lot of work and I don't know if I ever feel like I've done enough for everyone.  God bless single parents.  We love it when daddy is home, or when we get a little help from dee dee and PaPa.  
 Here are the babies at one of Julian's many football practices.  We bought little chairs for them so that they are more comfortable at practice.  They do love cheering for Julian, and watching him.
 Lilly's new activity is to line up all her baby dolls.  This reminds me of when Julian used to line up all his matchbox cars.  She's really into pretending now with her dolls.  So cute.
 I didn't get many pictures, but this is Lilly at a swim lesson.  It was suppose to be a semi-private lesson with Alex and Lilly.  Alex refused to do it so Lilly got a 30 minute less for 2 weeks.  It really helped her and she was doing really well.  I think if we lived somewhere where we utilized a pool more, she would be swimming on her own.  Maybe next time, we can get Alex into the pool.
 My kids other favorite activity is going to play at the playground in Essex.  The weather has been perfect and sitting by the water isn't bad either.
 Alex liked to pretend to drive the boat in the playhouse.

 The view at the park.  Looking at the water and all the boats is really pretty.

 Another favorite is playing in the sprinkler, especially Alex.  He loves to go outside, usually just takes all his clothes off, and turns on the hose.  We al least talked him into a bathing suit in these pictures.

 More playground pictures: