Thursday, September 20, 2012

3 1/2 years old

Where does the time go?  I can't believe they are 3 1/2 years old today!  I was talking to my best friend the other day and she had been looking at their pictures with her sister.  They were talking about how big and great they are doing, after the state of my pregnancy with them.  I remember calling her after a terrible visit to my OB in Canada.  I was told that the prognosis was not good for Lilly to make it and not good if we delivered extremely early for 1 or both of them.  It was presented to me as a choice as to which baby I would want to save.  How is that even possible for someone to choose.  These were two babies that I had dreamed of for a long time.  My friend told me that I was going to have both of them and they were both going to be fine.  And she was right.  I went into mommy mode with the desire to protect my children and get them the best care possible.  We moved back to the US and made it another 7 weeks.  We can't imagine our life without either of them, and to see how well they have done and how smart and active they are is such a blessing.  They are  together 24/7, and I think that's how they always will be.  I don't think they are quite whole unless the other is around.  They definitely have 2 very different personalities but are very attached to each other.  

At 3 1/2, I couldn't have more physically active kids.  They love to do things.  Lilly loves dolls, and anything girly.  Alex loves firetrucks, cars, construction vehicles, and is very much like Julian.

They are talking very well these days.  I understand about 95% of what they say, but often have to interpret for other people.  Sometimes I have to ask one what the other says and they can translate for me.  

They are now in 3 year old preschool 2 mornings a week, and getting better with the separation from me each time.  

Alex is still a great eater and loves to eat pretty much anything.  Lilly is getting better but still a challenge on some days.  
 They were all dressed up for Aunt Jess's wedding.  They love to party and dance and get dressed up.

 This cracked me up when I saw that Alex had lined all his cars up in rows.  Julian used to do the exact thing when he was this age.

 This is how they are alot.  Always together.  And have to always have 2 of EVERYTHING to prevent any arguments. 

Another huge thing in the stanford house is that we have finally gotten all the kids to sleep in their own bed.  Chris and I have had a child or children in our (my) bed since Julian was born.  Chris had been kicked out of our bed when both babies wanted to sleep with me.  So now he has returned to the adult room.  They are doing really good, and think it was as big of a transition for Chris and I as for them.  I have stuck with it though and think they are doing great.  I always let things happen when they are ready, but did help this one along.

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